Straight ahead blues tunes. Lots of ensemble, lots of room for solos. extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension
Contrafact of great standard.
Potatoes, zucchini, squash, celery, carrots and fresh pasta
Cowboy Charlie's Journey is an even eighth note journey with singable themes and solo sections open to all instruments. The instrumentation should work with a group as small as a string quartet, four horns and a rhythm section. There is an optional flute part.
Cowboy Charlie's Journey was Commissioned by The Midwest Clinic in Celebration of the 2018 Conference
Lean boneless sirloin steak, marbled for robust taste and texture
Straight ahead blues tunes. Lots of ensemble, lots of room for solos. extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension extensive paragraph extension
Contrafact of great standard.
Potatoes, zucchini, squash, celery, carrots and fresh pasta
Dark chocolate, espresso dipped ladyfingers, whipped cream and caramel
Rich New York-style cheesecake, with crumble crust and topped with strawberries or cherries
Chocolate brownie base topped with vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup and crumbled cookies
Warm apple or berry filling topped with a crunchy oatmeal topping, frozen yogurt and caramel