PT = Passing tone
Ch.P.T. = Chromatic Passing Tone
C.C.A. = Common Chromatic Approach
LT = Leading Tone
NT = Neighbor tone
UNT = Upper Neighbor Tone [usually diatonic above]
LNT = Lower Neighbor Tone [usually chromatic below]
This is a set of six etudes (13 pages) for tunes that coordinate with Improvisation II classes and an article on diminished chords. Musical devices are clearly labeled.
There Will Never Be Another Etude No. 1
Based on jazz standard. NTs follow simple line
Swinging at 596 Lenox Avenue No. 1
Based on a Stompin' tune
Have You Seen My Prints? No. 1
Based on Someday tune
Surf Etude No. 1
Surf Etude No. 2
Based on classic Bossa Nova tune
Rainbow Bossa No.4
• Includes an article on Dealing with Diminished Chords